
Frequesntly Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete the onboarding?

Onboarding takes most testers about thirty minutes to complete.If you don’t want to complete all the onboarding steps at once, you can save your progress and come back to it when you’re ready.

How do you login to my account

Enter your username and password

What happens if I forget my login

You can call your Admin to help you reset it

How do I add a Worker

Click on the worker panel on the left side of the scrren to add

how do i create a product

Click on the product screen on the left and add the product

How do I create a job

Click on the worker panel on the left and highlight a worker and create a job

Can the contractor approve all dockets and invoices

Contractors approve these prior to invoicing

How many workers am I allowed

its Unlimited

How many subcontractors am I allowed

Its Un-limited

How to set the Times for normal to overtime

You set these in the project

How does chat work

single private messages or grouped, you control this setting

If i make an error can I adjust

Yes if you have the access it can be edited

can we batch the dockets to invoices

yes, click on which ones you require

Can we add or remove workers and subcontractors

Highlight the contractor or worker and make them paused

can we see where all our workers and subcontractor on the map

Yes, you can select all or specific contotors or workers. Remembering its GPS so in certain areas or tunnels they may not be visible

Sending notifications

This can be specific or to all

Can subcontractors enter multiple line invoices

Yes, they can use the assets of the contractor or use their own

how many assets are available

Products are unlimited

Workers and subcontractors can load tickets into their accounts

Yes , both can add these to the uploaded documents ans well as Insurance certificates of currency for the Pty Subcontractors

can we have limited access for our staff to manage the website

Yes you can set the what your staff have access too

can we Import data into our accounting package

yes, we have the option to do this for Xero, Myob and Quickbooks

how much is the cost of this app

It has a base cost per week for the operation and then a fee per week per worker(s)

does the app have calandars

Yes, each project is set on the Calander